Lion Rock Beers are widely available in Hong Kong.
Check out the below map
Our beers have also regularly been exported to
Tokyo, Osaka, Chengdu and Macau.
If your favourite bar or restaurant doesn’t carry us yet, let ’em know! Our fans have been known to sway even the most stubborn bar manager. Please contact us too so we can reach out to them!
Interested in stocking our beers? Send us an email to info@lionrockbeers.com or call/message +852 6308 0105 and somebody from our Sales team will get back in touch with you to discuss stocking our range of beers
DISCLAIMER: Unfortunately, no system is perfect especially in the world of beer distribution. This information provided is subject to error as it is provided by a third party. Stores listed may have some inaccurate information including address/phone number or specific beers carried. We recommend contacting locations ahead of travelling to them to confirm that they have the beer you seek in stock.